Woodhaven News

The Woodhaven News is a monthly publication (with the exception of February) that is designed to keep property owners informed about Woodhaven Lakes, and it is used to help promote Woodhaven to future property owners. There are monthly articles from the Woodhaven Board President and Management Team, along with upcoming recreation events, ESAC Corner, citations, and more. 

Subscription costs are included in the property owner’s yearly assessments. The Woodhaven News is mailed directly to Woodhaven property owners and other subscribers. These publications are also distributed for free at the Association Office.


Leisure Times

The Leisure Times is a free newsletter published between Memorial Day and Labor Day, Spring Fling Weekend and Fall Fest Weekend, for property owners and guests. The Leisure Times provides a weekly schedule of recreation events, updated section meetings, facility hours, Nature Center activities, and other important information.

This newsletter is published in-house and distributed every Friday afternoon through the Main Gate, the Association Office and other facilities on property. Pick up your copy today.

FEB 1st

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