There are several man-made lakes and several small ponds within Woodhaven Lakes. They include:
- Woodhaven Lake (26.8 acres)
- Bass Lake (25.8 acres)
- Sunset Lake (7.2 acres)
- Black Oak Lake (6.5 acres)
- Pine Lake (3 acres)
- Hidden Lake (1 acres)
- Blue Gill Lake (1 acre)
There are several man-made lakes and several small ponds within Woodhaven Lakes. They include:
- Woodhaven Lake (26.8 acres)
- Bass Lake (25.8 acres)
- Sunset Lake (7.2 acres)
- Black Oak Lake (6.5 acres)
- Pine Lake (3 acres)
- Hidden Lake (1 acres)
- Blue Gill Lake (1 acre)
We are committed to preserving the ecological health of our lake system. Only rowboats, canoes, paddleboats and sailboats are allowed on our lakes. We do not allow the use of gasoline-powered motors on any of the lakes. Electric trolling motors may be used on all lakes.
All motorized watercraft used upon the lakes must be registered with the State of Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Registration forms may be acquired from any boat dealer or online at the Department of Natural Resources website. Pontoon boats used upon the lakes are not allowed to exceed 16 feet total length. All watercraft are required to display owner’s section/lot numbers on the outside. Gas powered motors are not allowed on boats used by Property Owners and guests on the lakes.
The main species of fish caught are largemouth bass, bluegill, and channel catfish. In addition, populations of walleye, redear sunfish, black crappie, green sunfish, bullhead and carp exist.
The lakes at Woodhaven are stocked on a regular basis and based on fish surveys conducted and recommendations made by qualified fisheries biologists and our lake manager. Species most often stocked are channel catfish and bluegill. Catfish are normally stocked annually at a catchable size of 1–2 pounds each. Other species are stocked as needed to supplement fish numbers existing in the lakes. Walleye continue to be stocked every other year to maintain the population in Woodhaven Lake.
Each fall, rainbow trout are stocked in Pine, Bluegill and Hidden lakes for fall, winter and spring fishing. The trout are approximately one pound (11 – 14 inches) at the time of stocking. The catch limit for trout is set at three fish per day, not per lake.
Fishing piers are located on Woodhaven, Bass, Sunset, Pine, and Black Oak Lakes. These structures offer a stable and flat surface to fish from over the water. During winter months, ice fishing becomes popular, especially for bluegill, crappie, and trout.
Woodhaven requires and enforces the use of a valid Illinois Fishing license. Minnows are not allowed as bait in any lake due to the risk of introducing aquatic invasive species.
No harvesting of turtles. This is geared mainly towards snapping turtles in which populations have been declining in the State over the years due to overharvest.
2 poles and line only in the water at a time for all the lakes on property. With this restriction, anglers would be allowed to have multiple poles but only 2 lines in the water at a given time.
No unattended fishing devices allowed at any time on any of the lakes. Unattended devices can cause mortality to fish and turtles that should be released if undersize as well as interfere with boaters using the lakes.
No trotline or jug fishing on any of the lakes. Given our fisheries are recreational, I believe these devices are damaging to our fisheries and interfere with boaters using the lakes.
A full-service bait shop is located right on property, adjacent to the Nature Center. Live bait, tackle, rod & reels, limited gear, and licenses are available during open hours, in season. Out of season, a 24-hour bait machine is available.

Where to Find What Fish at Woodhaven

For additional things to do at Woodhaven, visit the Recreation page.
Daily Fishing Catch Limits
- Woodhaven Lake – largemouth bass – harvest up to 3 fish under 12 inches and “Catch & Release” on fish 12 inches and greater.
- Bass Lake – largemouth bass – harvest up to 3 fish under 12 inches and “Catch & Release” on fish 12 inches and greater.
- Pine, Sunset, Black Oak, Hidden & Bluegill lakes – 1 largemouth bass/day, 14 inch minimum length limit.
- All Lakes – 15 fish combined catch limit on bluegill and redear species.
- All lakes – 15 fish limit on crappie
- All Lakes – 4 fish limit on channel catfish.
- All lakes – return grass carp to the lake
- All lakes – No limit on common carp, bullhead, and green sunfish species.
- All lakes – NO MINNOWS: using live minnows can introduce unwanted species/organisms into our lakes.