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announcements, president's letter

Christine Moffett

Board President

It’s a Board Election Year!

During our February 8th Board of Directors Meeting we announced the 2022 Board of Directors Election Schedule.  The Board is comprised of 7 Board Members and this election will be to fill 4 open seats for a 4 year term.

I choose to write about this because being a Board Member goes beyond when you turn in your affidavit to run for the Board. It’s about making a commitment to the Property Owners as a whole to attend all the Board meetings which are twice a month.  It’s about being a liaison to a Board of Review or serving as a chairperson of a committee which meets on a monthly basis.  It’s about attending all the business meetings throughout the year specifically during the Fall when we hold budget workshop, going over the financials of each department and discussing future projects. It’s all these things and more.

It seems like a lot for a volunteer position, but it is all worthwhile when you realize you are helping shape the future of Woodhaven and collaborating with fellow Property Owners and staff.  The most important thing to remember when submitting an affidavit to run for the Board is you are representing 6,000+ property owners.  We are undoubtedly one of the biggest privately owned associations around.  Be proud to represent Woodhaven because it is like no other place.  It is our slice of heaven.

Affidavits for Candidacy will be available starting April 1, in the Association Office and on the Members side of our website.

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